Aviation Insurance Claims

Aviation Insurance Adjuster

Aviation insurance is related specifically to the operation of aircrafts and risks involved in aviation. Aviation insurance policies have their own terminology, specific conditions and exclusions that either apply or limit coverage and are different from other insurance policies. When filing an aviation claim, a thorough analysis of the damages incurred and vast knowledge in the insurance claims and aviation industries are required.

Here at Scott M. Favre Public Adjuster, LLC our dedicated claims adjuster, who is also a licensed pilot, can effectively manage all facets of aviation-related claims ranging from simple property damage to the most complex aviation accidents. Our team is ready to assist policyholders with losses to airplanes to secure a proper settlement and with the “no two claims are the same” approach; customers can be certain that individualized attention is given to each claim.

Aviation insurance claims can be stressful on a customer. At Scott M. Favre Public Adjuster, LLC we will professionally represent you, properly assess your damage, negotiate on your behalf and work with you throughout the insurance claim process in Texas, Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida and Georgia. We will be with you step by step until all matters surrounding your claim are resolved. You can rest assured that your claim will be handled with the utmost professionalism, dedication and timeliness in the event of a loss.

Steps To Recovery:

  • Free initial consultation
  • In depth review of your policy to determine the type of coverage, aviation insurance policy limits, exclusions and other forms that may apply to your loss.
  • Our team of experts will conduct a thorough evaluation of your aviation loss to be certain nothing is left out.
  • Presentation of the claim to your insurance company.
  • Negotiating and settlement of your claim to ensure you are paid what you are owed in a timely manner.