Insurance Appraisal

Insurance Policy Appraisal

When policyholders and insurance companies have a disagreement regarding the cost of repairing or replacing damaged property, it can be quite frustrating, especially for the policyholder, who often feels he has no choice but to settle for the amount offered by the insurance company. One way for policyholders to dispute their insurance company’s offer is to invoke the appraisal clause within the insurance policy.

At Scott M. Favre Public Adjuster, LLC we have successfully completed hundreds of appraisals which require a great deal of in-depth experience and knowledge of the insurance industry. Our appraisal experience includes but is not limited to: residential, commercial, aviation and state and local governments. With our experienced staff of appraisers, engineers, loss estimators, accountants, aviation experts and pilots we are ready to work for you, not the insurance company. Scott Favre is a licensed insurance appraiser that has performed appraisals across the country, and many of our clients are located in Texas, Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida and Georgia. Mr. Favre has completed continuing education classes specifically for appraisals and ensures he is up to date in the ever-changing insurance world.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself when handling your insurance claim:
-Have you and your insurance company reached a standstill?
-Do you feel as if the insurance company is pressuring you to accept a settlement for your claim which is less than what you feel you are entitled to?
-Is your insurance company paying to put you in a pre-loss condition?

Most policy holders with a appraisal contingency clause do not realize they are entitled to disagree with their insurance company and not settle for what they are offering. If you find yourself disagreeing with your insurance company over the cost of repairs or replacement of your damaged property contact us to discuss whether or not an insurance appraisal may be an appropriate option for you.