Hurricane Irma’s Impact on The Keys, Miami, Broward and Naples Florida

Many Areas of Florida hit by Hurricane Irma

Key West and Marathon Key took a direct hit with sustained winds of at least 130 miles per hour, and deadly storm surge.

Irma traveled north from the Keys and made second USA landfall in Marco Island near Naples on Florida’s West Coast. Although the eye of hurricane Irma was about 75 to 100 miles from heavily populated Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, these metro areas experienced high tropical force, to low hurricane force winds for an extended period of time, and significant damage was done. Uprooted and broken trees and large branches hit houses, crushed fences and cars.

South Florida was under constant tornado watch during the storm with numerous tornado warnings as funnel-spouts spun off the Atlantic Ocean and raced inland.

Many coastal cities such as Miami’s Brickell Avenue and Fort Lauderdale (Broward County) experienced flooding as storm surge pushed ocean water into the streets.  Even cities on the north east coast of Florida including Daytona and Jacksonville had severe flooding and possible tornado damage.

Now That Hurricane Irma Has Passed

People all over Florida are now surveying the damage of Hurricane Irma. Irma was the largest and most powerful hurricane to slam into the state of Florida in many years. Now comes the hard part- post hurricane damage assessment and clean-up. Two days after the storm, half of the State’s residents may still be without power and other utilities. As home and/or business owners, we must secure our property with safely concerns in mind, and inspect, record damage.

Take pictures and videos, and detailed notes of damage that is visible. Keep in mind it is possible to have structural damage that is not visible, and should be assessed by an appropriate professional. Making an insurance claim without knowing the full extent of the loss is a common mistake.

If you are an insurance policy holder and have hurricane storm damage, call Scott M. Favre Public Adjuster for expert advice regarding next steps in the insurance claim process.  We help homeowners, business owners, and government entities as municipalities and school districts obtain the insurance settlement they deserve.  

Scott M. Favre: At Scott M. Favre Public Adjuster, LLC we recognize the importance of being an advocate for policyholders by working closely with our clients and their insurance company to expedite the recovery process. We also assist states and eligible applicants with applying for and obtaining grants through government recovery agencies.